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Q & A Exclusive Book Blog Tour Session

Writer: Author Iulia C. BocanealaAuthor Iulia C. Bocaneala

Updated: Mar 23, 2022

Hi everybody! Thank you for participating in the Heart Of An Eye BOOK BLOG TOUR.

The Heart Of An Eye Book Blog Tour on PayHip, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Google, Amazon, and Scribd, continues with Giveaways and this Q & A Session. To learn more about me as an author, I am inviting you to visit and subscribe to my author website.

As you most certainly found in the book description: 'The Heart of An Eye' represents a unique fiction novel that explores — the facets of the human condition, including the function and role of society, the nature, and motivation of human acts, the purpose of life, ethics or morals —the role of experience or reason in the development of knowledge, whether there exists free will.

If you would like to support the latest book-released performance, you are invited to subscribe to my author website book tour contact list to take part in the Giveaway and receive a FREE book.

For this book tour Q & A, we'll be doing something for THIS BLOG BOOK TOUR SESSION a little bit different than the usual Q&A’s. I did a survey on DIFFERENT BOOK SITES and events WHERE I took part recently and had there had lots of questions. There were two or three questions on different subjects about myself, my book, my author's presence, and my performance. So I have a lot of questions from readers, bloggers, fiction fans, and today I'm starting a new series of answering questions.

So I know authors, for example, have a daily answering on their self-publishing questions from readers worldwide and lots of people do that on Book Blog Tour Sessions, but I'm just going to occasionally answer some questions I found to be very pleasant. Not on every month or any day questions, I will just kindly respond to some. But this is the first one and what's so great about getting questions, I think, is that part, it's really good for me to reflect on my own process and also to realize how things have changed in my own life, I guess after years now of doing this. So this is quite fun.

So let's get on with it and I will read the question and then I'll answer each one.

So a question that came up quite often is:

1. How do I know I wrote something worth reading? How do I know that my book is good enough?

This is a great question. In the past with gatekeepers, essentially you would know you'd written something worth reading because an agent and a publisher picked it up so you could at least say, “Well, it must be worth reading because they bought it.” And then even if you never sold any books, you can say, “Well, somebody thought it was worth reading,” so that's brilliant.

But if you are in Indie, then my answer is, first of all, you might never ever feel your book is good enough. And I say that now and I've just finished my new novel of book number 3 that will send it to an agent for traditional publishers. But I think there will always be self-doubt.

I talk to quite a lot of creatives. Obviously, a lot of my friends are creatives. I've read a lot of books, and even when you think of people as super successful, people still have self-doubt. I just think that it's the life of being a creative. So, know that you may never feel that your book is good enough.

2. How do I discipline myself to sit down and write every day?

This is one of those evergreen questions and there's a couple of ways to unpack this.

First of all, why do you have to write every day? That would be my first question, and what is your definition of success back to you.

Say for example, I write something every day as in emails or something in my journal, articles or whatever, but I don't write fiction or non-fiction every day. I tend to have a first draft, binge periods, so I will spend some time researching whatever I'm doing and during that research time, there won't be words written in the document as such. There will be research words written but not actual draft words. Then when I'm ready, I will sit down and attempt a period where I do write every day or at least five days a week, and in that period, I get the first draft done.

The main thing is to actually make a plan for what you want to achieve.

4. How do you find your ideal genre as a writer, artistically and/or as a business question?

I think this is about what you read. So when I thought about writing a novel, I immediately thought I'm going to write suspense or adventure or mystery or philosophy, because that's what I read. I don't think you can write in a genre unless you read it. I mean, you can start writing in a new genre but spend a lot of time, reading a couple of hundred of books in that genre.

Over my lifetime, and I'm 37, I have read thousands from this genre. Seriously, and yes I am a fiction addict. I love the escape aspect. I love all the kind of the foreign places and I love the vicarious excitement of books. So for me, I was always going to write what I read.

I also read a lot of self-help and wanted to know more from authors as Tony Robbins. It's a help for my self-help escape practices.

5. Should I pay attention to those that say to write what is sold in great quantity or do I write what is my passion?

So this is, a similar question. Again, romance sells in great quantity. Memoir doesn't, but many people write a memoir because it's their passion and also because writing a book teaches them something, change their own life and it is a creative expression.

Basically, I think at least, all of us have certain books that we have to write. That was for me my first book. And certainly, these first novels are part of the novels that will come. The Heart Of An Eye It's very much a book I really wanted to write.

You have to pay attention to The Creative PART. But equally, if you want to make a living from this, you do have to make always more research around quantity and write more and have more from what you want to succeed.

So hopefully, that helps that. And really again, it's always about what is your definition of success. Do you want to write about your own history, write a memoir or write something that will help you work out your own issues or do you want to write for readers in order to make a living? So that will really impact what you write, how you market, how you publish.

6. How do I balance between writing, family, and other pursuits? Can a person have it all?

This is a great question. And my short answer is “No, you can't have it all, or at least not at the same time,” as the quote goes.

How do I write and publish while working on other projects as well? I don't know how you can. When I had couple of different professional collaborations, I was getting up every morning and write before I start to work on other projects. I also work in the evenings and the weekends as an author, but certainly, when you first start writing, you have to learn how to incorporate writing in your life processes.

As a prime reason for aligning life in the writing process and expectations could be the emotions that arise by doing this. When having a mind that creates a story that has to be said, career and family can help you evolve into achieving more than you decided to express.

So, I would write creatively in the morning and then I start working on other professional collaborations and then I start writing again on my book. I use workshops, field events with professionals and all that kind of thing to know more about most of the things, I am interested in, especially writing.

7. Is there a place I can get to know more about your latest book released?

My very short answer here is that I've written the latest released novel “The Heart Of An Eye.” That is available in eBook, PAPERBACK AND HARDCOVER EDITION Here. You can get it on THIS BOOK BLOG TOUR BOOK SITE THAT I PRESENTED but also any time on all the book site where was published. Read my blog posts on my author website, follow my social author platforms and find all about it. Yes, you can get it. The book is a good start to know my writing. And find the time to leave a good opinion will really help in the performance of this novel and your support as with any author is the main thing that any author is looking for.

All right, that will be the end of the questions. I hope you found that useful. You can tweet me HERE or email me HERE. Let me know if you found that useful and I'll definitely do some more. Happy writing and reading week!


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