Come inside Author Iulia C. Bocaneala Blog News. Welcome to one amazing experience in the author's literary adventures. Writing
made this predominant journey an incredible opportunity to meet and connect with readers. Great opportunities brought days of incredible experiences. Check the BLOG NEWS posts and become one of her passionate followers.
Let's find a quick review on what happened in the
MOST POPULAR BLOG NEWS Events, and Contests.
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The latest book released was on event tour with different opportunities. Readers could find new promotions available for each day during this amazing blog tour. The Heart Of An Eye Book Blog Tour was LIVE in amazing book stores and continued with Exclusive Giveaways and Q & A Session.

If you would like to see how the latest book-released appearance during the tour check on PayHip HERE, Kobo HERE, Barnes & Noble HERE, and Amazon HERE.
You are invited to find more from the Q & A Interview HERE and subscribe to my author website book tour contact list HERE to take part in the future Giveaways and receive a FREE book.
For the event supporting people, fiction fans, and followers into creating a natural fiction bond, this amazing spooky day meeting, brought also a new reading session with ‘The Heart of An Eye’ heroes, and more insights about the novel characters from the new finished manuscript. I will gladly want to know your reader's expectations by amazing opinions in Amazon Author Platform HERE.

If you like my author presence and would like to support the latest book released performance see the blog post HERE. You are invited to subscribe to Author Iulia C. Bocaneala website friend contact list HERE to take part in the Giveaways.
As we headed into the last spooky, mischievous weeks of October, readers could get inside the Halloween Specials. Check out a short review of this opportunity on blog post news HERE. The Halloween Contest offered an amazing “treat” with Special Discounts and winning coupons until midnight. For this Special Halloween, Gifts Surprise for 2021 Trick or Treating were available to all subscribers that took part in the contest.

Subscribe to get exclusive access by using and receiving more information for exceptional events! To have access to future great opportunities connect with Author Iulia C. Bocaneala on social platforms today.
There really so many ways we can engage with authors on a level even deeper than just “hearing their work.” Let’s not settle for the tried and tried again traditional author event. The Outside The Box event brought the author participation in different writing challenging opportunities, from creative writing to conferences and workshops. Read blog news post HERE.

For more information about the author OUTSIDE THE BOX future events connect on social media, website, blog, and also sign up to have access to the latest opportunities.
Follow HERE Author Iulia C. Bocaneala literary journey and share your opinion and comments. For more information about the author future events and contest connect on her blog news, and also sign up to have access to the latest opportunities. Start today to CONNECT and interact with her followers on social media.
Happy week,
Author Iulia C. Bocaneala